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January 2, 2013
Town of Princeton, Mass.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN  ---   January 2, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 5:37 PM in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

Scheduled meetings -- Chair of Library Trustees Jane Weisman introduced new library director Mary Boller to the board. Today was her first day on the job. Mary expressed gratitude for the very welcoming attitude she has already experienced from library patrons and staff, other town employees and the public at large. Each member of the board extended an individual welcome to her and offered to assist as necessary. Edie asked Mary to provide a brief bio. Mary related that she has sixteen years of library experience, most recently working at the Northborough Library. She was previously library director in Ware. A welcoming tea will be arranged by Library Trustees in the near future.

5:45 PM -- The Board reviewed and signed the FY13 #13 payroll and vendor warrants from the treasurer and accountant. Selectmen voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes from Dec. 17.

Board announced that Jan. 14 meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and Jan. 28 at 6 p.m.

6:05 PM – Board discussed the compensation and classification plan that Consultant Don Jacobs presented at the last meeting. Consensus was favorable, and Edith noted importance of internal equity (amongst town staff) in addition to external equity (compared to other towns).  She said that it’s a good start and if it doesn’t work, it can always be changed.

The board voted all in favor to adopt the Compensation & Classification Plan proposed by DIJ Management Consultant Services and adopt it into the town’s Personnel Policy.

The issue of mileage reimbursement was discussed and John L. recommended the town adopt the current state rate of $.45 since the town now pays $.40 and has not changed it in years, and it needed to be done before he could finalize the budget. The board voted all in favor to reimburse mileage at the state rate of $.45 effective July 1, 2013 subject to periodic adjustment.

Stan M. asked that John L. send a letter of thanks to the Mountain Barn for the town’s holiday party, in recognition of the excellent provisions.  The board also agreed to send thanks to the Mutual Aid communities which provided support after the explosion/fire on Ball Hill Road on Dec. 27

6:15 PM  Fire Department Update -- Neil S. agreed to continue to serve on the Public Safety Committee. Board discussed using a consultant for the fire chief search, and John L. noted that Collins Center at UMass was contacted around Dec. 17 but they have not responded.

Resident Terry Thompson suggested that the former hiring committee should not be re-convened.

6;20 PM Regional Dispatch – John L. mentioned the concept of sharing public safety dispatch with Holden. The Landmark recently published an article about it.  A few years ago a grant funded a study for that project and the next step would be implementation. Consultant Tom Kennedy made a presentation to Holden officials in December, John L. reported. The Board asked John to invite Mr. Kennedy to a meeting in the very near future.

6:30 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant

        Referenced Documents:

Classification & Compensation Study, Charts & Summary
Small Town Administrators Mileage Reimbursement Survey

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department